Saturday, December 6, 2008


I love my dad!!

Since 17 years ago, he has given me lotsa lotsa love....

When I was small, I liked to play with him. Sat on his lap, like riding a horse, Or he threw me up and caught me back. I am always happy with him by my side....

During kindergarten, he sent me and fetched me from the school, everyday...He always said "See you!!" instead of "Bye Bye!!" I guessed that's why everyday in my life, I can always have him...

I am so blur, but luckily I have my dad. During primary, I always forgot to bring this bring that. Just a call, my dad would bring it to me in school. That's my dad, always try his best for his children...Things never changed even during secondary. I still remember I forgot to bring my bottle to school one day, and my dad came to school to find me just to bring it to me. Maybe you might think its just a small action, but its not for me...I realize how lucky I am to have such a dad...

Later, I have a lot of wants and needs. Wanna take part in this and that, wanna go this camp that camp, wanna hang out with friends, wanna go this trip that trip, wanna do this do that....but my dad never doubt to promise me...and he never break his promise...

But i failed him. Last year, I had a piano lesson in the morning in Seremban 2, but I got up late coz the night before I online till very late..We had to rush. But when I reached Spring Hill, I realized I didn't take my books...At that time, he said,"You really disappoint me."

My dad is amazing!! I don't know how to tell but I'm proud that I'm his daughter.

I'm sorry dad coz I always make you sad and angry.
Thankyou for all the things you've given to me.

One day, I'll make you proud...

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