Saturday, December 3, 2011

莫名其妙的,心情低落。 其实有时候不要把事情看得太严重,不要把自己看得太大,好像自己做了什么,不做了什么,都会影响到别人似的。。但终究放不下,像是犯罪了,还在很自己,担心让别人失望,担心别人的想法,担心被挂上了罪名。。。

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Nice song nice song! Heard it while I was small, wonder why I listened to this kinda song when small, good too, can know more songs..

This song made my mood:D 我得意的笑我得意地笑:DD

Friday, November 11, 2011

Today is a public holiday, which means I have no school today! :D Finally, I can give myself a break from the hectic and stressful school life. Even though I just had my autumn break, but I'm exhausted after my Maths exam and Physics exam this week. I didn't do them well, plus, I had a bad surprise for my organic exam's marks, stupid careless mistakes, and my marks say au revoir to me just like that~~

Anyway, today's weather is very nice! Sunny, clear sky, breezy, just nice temp
erature etc, all these made my mood turn good, despite I'm kinda annoyed by sore throat...

Voilà the view outside my window, isn't it nice for a student apartment? I still remembered the busy main road just outside my apartment when I was still at Angouleme, the cars, the buses, the pedestrians, they made a lot of noise while passing by, never had a moment of tranquility~~
Compared to that, I really very appreciate what I have now, serene and peace, and sometimes the sunlight enters into my apartment to warm me up or even in the evening, I would sit in front of my window, looking at the sun set, golden and yellowish sunlight dispersed throughout the sky between the clouds, appreciating the beauty of nature, what a pleasure~~! If I'm lucky enough, I could even have a glance on the doggies playing at the garden with their owners, and I especially like this golden retriever which belongs to my neighbor. He is so smart and obedient:D

This is what would happen if we take photos secretly, they are not looking at the camera!!

Worse, tail only~~

All these little things would make me feel peace and calm, I'm so gonna miss them when I leave next year~~

Monday, October 31, 2011


Recently I'm addicted to one China series : 爱情公寓 Ipartment.

I've finished watching season 1 and season 2, the third season will be aired next year, normally, and I'm so looking forward to it!! Honestly, this series is similar to FRIENDS, but it's still very funny and interesting to watch:)

This is the theme song for the first 2 seasons:我的未来式

The original singer is 郭采洁,but the theme song was actually sang again by the director's wife~~陈每文.(@.@ who??)
Anyway, during these days, this song's melody keep wandering around in my head, just can't get rid of it! So I've made a piano cover for it, but the sound quality is~~haih~~:(

Besides, this is the 3rd season's theme song:爱情公寓

I hope 婉瑜will come back in this new season, and she'll be the main character again but not just one co-star like how the rumors spread. And I hope 曾小贤 and 胡一菲 will finally become a couple after crossing each other's hands so many times, as well as 吕子乔 and 陈美嘉 too.

Recently the China series are so hitto, 步步惊心 is also very famous! But I have no more time...holidays will end soon in 3 days time! And I have lots of homework and next week will have 2 tests~~ Worst thing is that I haven't neither start revising nor doing my homework~~

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Adele-Someone Like You

Since a few days ago, I've been working on this piano cover. Finally, I've done! Please enjoy!:)

After comparing with other piano covers on youtube, I realised that my melody isn't rich enough. I need to work more on my music to enhance my music senses...if I have more time~~

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hier, je t'ai vu dans mon rêve. On a parlé et on a bien rigolé, c'est totalement different en réalité. Je suis très heureuse dans mon rêve, ton rire me manque beaucoup, ta voix me manque beacoup. Il y a plus de deux ans qu'on ne se voit pas. Tu vas bien?

J'était triste quand je me suis réveillée et ai trouvé que tout ce qui me manque reste un rêve, tu n'es toujours pas là, on toujours ne se parle pas. Je me suis dit, est-ce que je suis une amie pour toi, ou chaque fois que tu pense à moi, c'est le chagrin qui monte dans ton coeur, ou jamais tu as pensé à moi, peut-être pour quelques secondes, même? En tout cas, tu es toujours mon amie, mon amie.

Je voulait crier, je ne pouvais plus me retenir. Quand j'ecrivait nos mémoirs, mes larmes, ils sont tombés, sur mon journal. Le moment quand on a traversé le champ au lycée, le moment où tu me parle de ta famille et tu as pleuré, le moment où tu m'a dit des bêtises et on a rit très fort en classe...Sait-toi combien tu me manques? Tes mots, tes larmes, tes rires, qu'on a partagé ensemble, je crois qu'ils sont vrais, tu m'avait traité sincèrement, je le sais, je suis sûre. La carte d'anniversaire que tu as fait toi-même, tu te souviens? C'est encore collé sur le mur dans ma chambre en Malaisie. Le trousseau de clés que tu m'as donné avant mon départ en France, où mon nom est écrit dessus, tu te souviens? C'est encore avec moi, tous les jours je le voit. De même, je te traite sincèrement aussi, toujours! Quand on m'a dit des mauvaise choses sur toi, je ne les crois pas, ils ont eu tort! Je sais bien qui es tu. Alors, quoi nous embête de rester amis?

Je sais que je ne suis pas ton ami numéro 1, mais s'il te plait, donne-moi du courage de parler avec toi, même chatter avec toi sur Internet, je ne veux plus que notre relation reste comme ça, ça a dépassé le limite que je peux supporter.

Tu me manques, beacoup, tout le temps, cependant, je n'ose pas de te le dire. J'ai peur que c'est la deception que je recevrai en retour de ton part..

J'espère que c'est mon dernier affiche qui parle de ce sujet. Je doit arrêter. 姐姐说得对,在友情里我太执着了。。laisser aller, xuan~~

Friday, September 30, 2011

天啊!不会被发现了吧~~?!应该没有吧!omg! 明明就应该把它擦掉的!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just saw a blog of a friend of friend, who's now complaining about living alone at overseas.
This reminds me of how I felt last time when I always felt alone and lifeless inside my room, facing my laptop, diving into the internet world, instead of hanging out with friends, laughing and chatting with them.

The feeling of loneliness arose even higher when it came to a festival back in M'sia, expecially Chinese New Year, or my beloved ones' birthdays, or seeing my friends having fun chatting on facebook etc.

I'm glad that I don't feel like that anymore. There are several reasons for this. First, I've changed my thoughts, not to define friendships as I used to have at school last time, people and the environment are different, I can't put myself in the past anymore, I got to jump out, open my heart for newcomers, especially, and accept the new "mode" while building the friendships here. Second, I do hang out, chat and talk with my friends, do some activities with them. Everything goes smoothly. I'm feeling happy with what I have now. And I'm glad that I have someone to listen to all my complains, stupid stories n bla bla bla~~:)

I miss my family and friends too back at Port Dickson. We grow up together, we sometimes have small fights and got back together again, we listen we share, that's irreplaceable. But I know, we cant stay side by side together the whole life, like we used to have in the small class at school. We sometimes have to face things alone, or with others. It doesn't mean that we abandon you, but how can they help you? We are not talking about movies, or dramas, this is the reality. You know well they are inside your heart, and you too, are inside their hearts.

Open your mind and heart, accept the new ones, you'll find out that they are amazing too! Be strong, friend's friend:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Sunday, September 4, 2011


Friday, August 26, 2011








Thursday, August 25, 2011


Monday, August 15, 2011

Another sweet song:)

If you ever forget how much you really mean to me, everyday I will remind you:)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


For at least 3 days in a row, i keep dreaming about you. Why? Why? Why? Too long didn't meet you up? Too long didn't contact you? Too long wish to see you? Since 2009, we didn't talk anymore:( But quite many things around me make me think of you, this is unfair~~~I have to stop letting you get into my dreams...

In my dreams recently, they bring me back to High School life. Maybe I hang out with my high school friends recently too much, hehe. But actually I like my dreams, just that I couldn't bare to realize that "It was just a dream." every time I wake up. It's saddening.

Yesterday I went to my dearest and most sampat friend's house, I had a fun time:D Can't stop smiling alone, or in front of the mirror, when I returned home thinking back the memories, until got hit upon by sister. Haha! It has been so long that I had that great feeling:)) Kamsiah la, xiaojie^^

Next week, my another friend is coming back to PD!! Miss her pattern^^ Don't know if she changes anything, or anywhere, long to see her:DD

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Saturday, July 23, 2011

Givers are happier than receivers

施比受更有福。A proverb that I've learned since young. Like the other proverbs, I only feel and realize the true meaning of it now.

I admit that I was a receiver rather than a giver, but I don't want to be that anymore. Touched by the actions of my friends, and their kindness, I'm grateful and happy that I have so many nice n great friends:D

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I have to write this!

I just have to write this, even though I've shouted out loud to others but I just have to shout again here!

Ok, the story begins like this.

I had a Physic's experiment's test this morning at 9am. Unluckily me, I got a question on electric, and I had to search the phase angle of 2 sinusoidal signs. Great, I couldn't find my phase angle on the oscilloscope! I was not sure if I had set up my circuit correctly actually. So I asked my professor. She said if we asked her during the exam, she will deduct 1 mark for each question. But I couldn't care anymore, that thing already wasted my 30 mins! And it left only 1 hour to go. So I asked. But do you know what she answered? She said, "Maybe." @.@??!!

Well, at least she reminded me about the button "Autoset" which actually helped me during the "Finding My Phase Angle" process. But I still couldn't find it!

So I gave up, I started the 2nd experiment, which was much more easier. But, it required explanation, and I don't know any, and I left it blank~~~

Return to the oscilloscope.

I don't know what I did, I just pressed anything on the oscilloscope that I could, and finally I found my phase angle. But the value is not stable. Again, I couldn't care anymore! It left only 45 mins! So I just simply take a value from the keep-varying-value that looked nice to me. Finally, after some measurement, and towards the end, the value stabilized. Quickly, I rushed to the computer to key in my values. And of course, the graph that I obtained wasn't good. (I simply took the value at the debut). So I changed them, I INVENTED THEM, under the eyes of my professor! I wasn't thinking at that time, now I am regret. I should have left it that way and add in my comment saying that the error comes from the instability of the oscilloscope or from the wrong way of taking the measurements.

Anyway, it was time to print out my graph, my modified graph. But that lousy printer was striking again! It didn't print! Then the professor came and touched this and that. I checked the time on the computer. 10 more minutes!

OMG! I hadn't write anything on my report! What to comment? Ok, think think. I couldn't think! Ok ok, just write the phase angle increases with the frequency then decreases. Ok, what else? Oh, I don't know.

"Il vous reste 5 mins!" I know, don't remind me.

Finally, the printer printed my graph. Ok, calculate the quality's factor. OK. Calculate the resistance. Ok. Comment. Oh, I DON"T KNOW!

"Allez, allez, rendez vos copies! Sinon.."

Oh no! Please stop shouting. Ok, give a title to my graph, write down my name. Ok done!

The next group had entered. Quick, I had to rush out from the laboratory. So many papers on my desk and I just grabbed them and rushed out.

And I started to talk and complained to my friends. I didn't write any comments, I changed the values, I didn't calculate the error of the theory and experiment! (And I even wrote down the formula at the beginning of the test). NOO! this is a terrible and horrible one!

30 mins gone. It was 11am. I was at my friend's house, still complaining about my test. And how it would affect my average marks. I opened my bag, thought want to check something. And I saw something scary! My table of values!!! I didn't pass it up!! AHHH!

I quickly rushed to the lab(luckily my friend's house is just beside our school..hey, that was not the point). And I entered silently, hoping my professor wouldn't see me. I saw my classmates were doing their experiment, and I didn't say hi. I didn't see my professor, I was glad, actually. But then, she was at her office, just beside the table where we put our papers. Cool!

Oops! She saw me. Smiling awkwardly, I walked in, handed in my table of values.

"Je n'ai pas rendu ma feuille. Je viens de m'apercevoir."

Her face suddenly turned down, just in a twist of time, it became "black". No exaggerating!

Coldly, she said "Ok." Not looking at me.

I was freaked out. I wanted to say sorry but I wasn't dare to stay any longer and I just fled away~~Oh, at least I should say sorry..

How silly I am! I couldn't imagine how many marks would I receive for my test. Why was so I so panic? I didn't stop and think at all during the test. I just kept going into it stupidly.

Next year I have to do better. Have more confidence. Be more seriousness

I couldn't loss any marks for my average anymore. And that average will affect my CV to enter Year 3.

Ok, tomorrow, my last paper. Jia You!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Harry Potter!

Oh My Goodness! I just know that Harry Potter 7 Part 2 will be released in Malaysia the 14th July, and I'll be off to Taiwan from 13th July!! I won't be there for the premiere!!! I planned to buy the 1st day's ticket mah~~:(((((

This is so unfair! I've missed so many films of the series in cinema, FINALLY, I have chance to go into the cinema this time, and it's the last chance, and now it's gone~~

And I'll only be back on 21st July, will it still be on screen that time? Probably yes, it's HARRY POTTER, it will be on cinema more then 1 week.

But at that time, for sure all my friends will have watched it, who will go and watch it with me? I don't want to be's not fun to watch a movie alone,( I think~~), even though it's Harry Potter~~

Haih, never mind la..worries change nothing. Everything's gonna be ok! Be positive!

It's better if you worry more about your coming exams:)

Thursday, May 26, 2011






Monday, May 23, 2011

Apparently my life in France is not that boring, i was just tooo boring during the last holidays. But overall, it's nice and fun and sometimes happening. Yea, kinda. :)

Study jia you!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's so hard to say no.

Pisces, always indecisive. This is depriving my peace of my heart. Even though sometimes I'm quite sure what I want, but I don't decide until the last moment. I have so many worries and concerns. Mostly, I scared people will get hurt and I want things to be perfect, well planned, everything goes smoothly, on the track. I can't give a firm answer until I know for sure everything's gonna be fine. And so sometimes when people ask me if I'm agreed or not, especially when it's a group work, I seemed lost to give an answer, but I am actually thinking, and so I answer ambiguously because I feel the tension that people's waiting for my answer. But at the end, it turns out they are not being confident with my answer.

So now I want to change this bad attitude. Despite people is waiting for me, I want to take my time to consider and analyse things properly before giving out my opinions, let their waiting time be worthy rather then giving the impression that I'm not contributing.

This is out of topic from what I wanted to say initially, but never mind...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

媽媽老了 (转载)









Saturday, May 7, 2011

I hope that I can find someone who also has the passion towards the music style or the genre of songs that I like. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My life in Rennes is just boriiiiiiiing~~~~~
Somehow, I would like to say, my life in France is boriiiiiiiiing!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Champs Elysees Cover

My first cover!!! A very simple and rough one. Did it last night while suddenly I had the mood:)

Please comment, bad or good, anything!^^

Lyrics (for just the part I sang):
I strolled on the avenue, my heart open to the unknown,
I felt like saying hello to anyone
No matter who -- and it was you, I said whatever crossed my mind
Speaking to you was enough, to bring you out of your shell.

On the Champs-Élysées, on the Champs-Élysées
In the sun, in the rain, at midday or at midnight
Everything you want is on the Champs-Élysées

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Today the whole day, I'm not feeling good. Thought of many reasons, and I've thought of one. Today while chatting with mum on skype, I kinda yelled.
I'm sorry mum~~I'm not feeling good now.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I got a friend, who I feel hard to show my concerns to. Bizarre~~

Monday, March 14, 2011

Congratulations! Lee Chong Wei


林丹 16-7 李宗伟









































































Let's add one more: All England Open 2011 李宗伟!^^

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why write a blog

Today, in the English class, we've watched a short video of a writer who shares his tips on how to write a short story. As the tips are not the essential points here, so I won't mention it.

Later, teacher asked us if we sometimes write. When he asked me,
"Do you write?"
"Yes, but not in English," I smiled.
"Well, it's not necessarily in English, even though it's an universal language." he smiled back.
I kept smiling, and I could feel my blood was rushing up to my face.
He continued,"You write in your language? In Chinese?"
"You write in your diary?"
"I have a blog."
"Oh, that's good! What do you write?"
"Anything, but mostly about what I feel."
"And who is reading your blog?"
Well, of course my friends are reading my blog, but I guess he wants a specific answer.
Then, I answered, "I don't know."
"Don't you can check? Don't you know how many visitors on your blog?"
"No, I didn't use the application."
Well, I used it before. But, the number of visitors were so disappointing, and so I decided not to expect any more.
"Okay. Do you write in English?"
My body was sliding down little by little while I was sitting. And I felt hot!
"Well, sometimes, if I just need simple words."
"French?" he smiled.
I laughed awkwardly, and now my face was burning.
"I've tried, but I've never published it."
Which was a lie. I did publish my post in French. But hey, I was shy, I was afraid if he asked me more.
Oooof! Finally, he stopped asking me. I guessed he has noticed my red-burning face.

Ok! Back to the tittle.
This conversation made me think about few things. First, why do we need to expose our blogs to strangers? This is because he asked me how many visitors I have. If the blog is just for the friends around us, I guessed he wouldn't ask it, just like you won't ask someone if you let anyone read your diary as the priority question. I admitted that at first, I wanted to make my blog popular enough to earn money, some successful examples in reality have indeed inspired me to start a blog. But, it was a failure. So, I gave up. But I still keep my blog, to share my life, my ideas, my feelings with my closed one. I don't really want to share my life with any anonymous, well not with intention.

Second, what was the name of my 1st blog? How many blogs I've started and deleted? I've forgotten. But I keep this, Glimpses of Soul, simply because I love this name. But, I did remember the first post of my "commercial use blog". It was about dolphins. I love dolphins. I always love them. I wish that one day I could go out to the sea and have the dolphins around me. To Hawaii! For example.

As we were talking about writing a short story in the class, I heard my willing to write one too. Maybe to start writing and to share on my blog. In Chinese most probably. But I don't like to type Chinese, and I'm kinda lazy~~HAH! Here comes the laziness! When will I find back my persistence?

Well, I guess I'll stop here. I have things to do:)