Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why write a blog

Today, in the English class, we've watched a short video of a writer who shares his tips on how to write a short story. As the tips are not the essential points here, so I won't mention it.

Later, teacher asked us if we sometimes write. When he asked me,
"Do you write?"
"Yes, but not in English," I smiled.
"Well, it's not necessarily in English, even though it's an universal language." he smiled back.
I kept smiling, and I could feel my blood was rushing up to my face.
He continued,"You write in your language? In Chinese?"
"You write in your diary?"
"I have a blog."
"Oh, that's good! What do you write?"
"Anything, but mostly about what I feel."
"And who is reading your blog?"
Well, of course my friends are reading my blog, but I guess he wants a specific answer.
Then, I answered, "I don't know."
"Don't you can check? Don't you know how many visitors on your blog?"
"No, I didn't use the application."
Well, I used it before. But, the number of visitors were so disappointing, and so I decided not to expect any more.
"Okay. Do you write in English?"
My body was sliding down little by little while I was sitting. And I felt hot!
"Well, sometimes, if I just need simple words."
"French?" he smiled.
I laughed awkwardly, and now my face was burning.
"I've tried, but I've never published it."
Which was a lie. I did publish my post in French. But hey, I was shy, I was afraid if he asked me more.
Oooof! Finally, he stopped asking me. I guessed he has noticed my red-burning face.

Ok! Back to the tittle.
This conversation made me think about few things. First, why do we need to expose our blogs to strangers? This is because he asked me how many visitors I have. If the blog is just for the friends around us, I guessed he wouldn't ask it, just like you won't ask someone if you let anyone read your diary as the priority question. I admitted that at first, I wanted to make my blog popular enough to earn money, some successful examples in reality have indeed inspired me to start a blog. But, it was a failure. So, I gave up. But I still keep my blog, to share my life, my ideas, my feelings with my closed one. I don't really want to share my life with any anonymous, well not with intention.

Second, what was the name of my 1st blog? How many blogs I've started and deleted? I've forgotten. But I keep this, Glimpses of Soul, simply because I love this name. But, I did remember the first post of my "commercial use blog". It was about dolphins. I love dolphins. I always love them. I wish that one day I could go out to the sea and have the dolphins around me. To Hawaii! For example.

As we were talking about writing a short story in the class, I heard my willing to write one too. Maybe to start writing and to share on my blog. In Chinese most probably. But I don't like to type Chinese, and I'm kinda lazy~~HAH! Here comes the laziness! When will I find back my persistence?

Well, I guess I'll stop here. I have things to do:)

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