Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Harry Potter!

Oh My Goodness! I just know that Harry Potter 7 Part 2 will be released in Malaysia the 14th July, and I'll be off to Taiwan from 13th July!! I won't be there for the premiere!!! I planned to buy the 1st day's ticket mah~~:(((((

This is so unfair! I've missed so many films of the series in cinema, FINALLY, I have chance to go into the cinema this time, and it's the last chance, and now it's gone~~

And I'll only be back on 21st July, will it still be on screen that time? Probably yes, it's HARRY POTTER, it will be on cinema more then 1 week.

But at that time, for sure all my friends will have watched it, who will go and watch it with me? I don't want to be's not fun to watch a movie alone,( I think~~), even though it's Harry Potter~~

Haih, never mind la..worries change nothing. Everything's gonna be ok! Be positive!

It's better if you worry more about your coming exams:)

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