Sunday, November 22, 2009

Once in the past...

"I miss you.
I miss you suddenly, and i don't know why.

Suddenly remember,
the way you observed me, without knowing that I was observing you too;
the way you gave me gifts, no need of any special reasons;
the way you tried to catch me hand, and failed, instead, you got a handful of air;^^
the way you touched my lips, and I was trembling;
the way you tried to find some excuses, just to send a sms to me;
the way you got closer to me, closer and closer, and my heart was beating fast.

I never said it out.
That was just between you, and me.

At the basketball court, that was "our place".
At the staircase, there were our marks, to remember the day that was belonged to us.
At the corridor, when you passed by my classroom, our eyes always met.
At the canteen, we almost got caught. haha..

But, that was once in the past, for us.
Once, and the last between us.

I didn't even contact you now.

But, so of a sudden, I miss you now...but, only now..."

-by GOS

Every one has a secret inside their heart core.
While I was reading this, it reminded me of something.
What about u?
What are you trying to keep them secretly?

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